Hydra Island cats! Embark on a photographical journey to the Greek island of Hydra in the Mediterranean Sea with this photo book!
Photography: Gabriela Staebler
Hydra Island cats! Embark on a photographical journey to the Greek island of Hydra in the Mediterranean Sea with this photo book—this island is a hot tip for all cat-lovers. Hydra is a magic and sleepy spot with wild groups of cats and wheedling velvet paws. Cats are simply everywhere here—in colours of all shades, at the harbour, in the town and in natural surroundings. They belong to the local residents’ everyday life, and tourists love them. It was “love at first sight” when photographer and cat-lover Gabriela Staebler first set foot on Hydra and succumbed to the beguiling charm of the island’s cats. While roving through the island, she took impressive snapshots of the cats and created idyllic portraits. Her best photographs are compiled in this wonderful photo book. Additionally, cat-lovers are given further interesting information like, for example, the touching stories of HydraArk, an organisation for the protection of cats and other animals. Its non-profit-making commitment to the welfare of street cats on Hydra and the loving help of volunteers are rays of hope for all cat-lovers. You cannot but love the wheedling little tigers of Hydra: if you give your love to a cat, it will be requited thousandfold.
Hydra is a place of tranquillity and inspiration. The island has attracted lots of artists and celebrities—among them Sophia Loren and Leonard Cohen. Motorized vehicles are not allowed on Hydra, and no discotheques either. What you may enjoy instead are breathtaking views to the sea, tranquillity, pristine nature and free-roaming cats. Life here goes on at a more leisurely pace. Hydra’s world is more colourful and cheerful than any other. During the summer months, people from all over the world sit outside the taverns. Hydra is also a wild natural beauty and a paradise at any season of the year. The cats on the island are looking forward to your visit and they welcome you by uttering a loud “meeeow!”
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